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3 Special Reminders for Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA)

When it comes to printed circuit board assembly (PCBA), overlooking even the smallest details can lead to costly delays and quality issues. Discover three critical reminders - parts overages, panelization, and break-away rails - that will streamline your PCBA project and ensure flawless results from a leading China PCB manufacturer.
3 Special Reminders for Printed Circuit Board Assembly

Table of Contents

When it comes to printed circuit board assembly (PCBA), even the smallest details can make a big difference in ensuring a smooth and successful manufacturing process. At JHYPCB, a leading PCB manufacturer in China, we understand the importance of adhering to best practices and industry standards.

Through our years of experience in providing PCB prototyping, PCB fabrication, and PCBA services, we’ve identified three crucial reminders that can help streamline the assembly process and deliver high-quality, reliable end products. Whether you’re a seasoned electronics engineer or a hobbyist embarking on your first project, these reminders will prove invaluable.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the intricacies of parts overages, panelization, and break-away rails – three critical aspects that often go overlooked but can significantly impact your PCBA project’s success. By following these reminders, you’ll not only ensure efficient assembly but also minimize potential issues and delays, saving you time and resources.

So, let’s get started! Buckle up and get ready to gain invaluable insights that will elevate your PCBA experience to new heights.

Parts Overages

One of the most critical aspects of a successful PCBA project is proper parts management. Ensuring you have the right quantity and types of components is essential for a seamless assembly process. At JHYPCB, we have specific requirements and recommendations for parts overages to avoid delays and ensure quality control.

Handling of Unused and Excessive Parts
By default, we do not return any unused or excessive parts supplied by you or purchased by us for your project. However, if you wish to have these parts sent back along with the assembled boards, please inform your service representative or make a note on your order. This way, we can ensure that the appropriate parts are returned to you after assembly.

Requirements for SMT Parts
For surface mount technology parts, we require that components not supplied on reels be provided on one continuous strip of tape. If you need to assemble the same SMT part for different boards, do not cut them into separate strips. Instead, keep them in the continuous strip of tape or on reels. This practice ensures efficient handling and minimizes the risk of part misplacement or loss.

Minimum Quantities and Overages
To maintain our high standards of quality and efficiency, we have established minimum quantity requirements and recommended overages for specific component types:

  • Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (0603, 0805, 1206, 2225, SOT, SOD, MELF packages):
    • Minimum of 50 pieces
    • Excess of 30 pieces over the required assembly quantity (e.g., for 40 pieces needed, provide 70 pieces)
  • Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (0201, 0402, miniMELF, miniature packages):
    • Minimum of 100 pieces
    • Excess of 50 pieces over the required assembly quantity (e.g., for 80 pieces needed, provide 130 pieces)

Overages for Expensive Components
For high-value components like integrated circuits (ICs), ball grid arrays (BGAs), quad flat packages (QFPs), and connectors, we recommend providing a small excess of 1-5 pieces based on the total assembly quantity. This practice ensures a smooth assembly process and timely shipping of your assembled boards, avoiding potential delays due to component shortages.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding parts overages, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to provide guidance and support to ensure the success of your PCBA project.


Panelization is a crucial step in the PCBA process, especially when dealing with small or irregularly shaped PCBs. At JHYPCB, we have specific requirements for panelization to ensure efficient and accurate assembly.

Requirements for Small or Non-Rectangular PCBs
If your PCB dimensions are smaller than 50mm x 100mm, or if your PCB has a non-rectangular shape, such as circular or an odd geometry, panelization is mandatory. Panelization involves arranging multiple PCBs in an array on a larger panel, which facilitates seamless handling and assembly by our automated equipment.

Process of Panelization for Assembly
When you order both PCB fabrication and assembly services from JHYPCB, our team will automatically handle the panelization process. Once we begin fabricating your boards, we will generate a panelization file, also known as the solder paste data. This file contains the precise layout and arrangement of your PCBs on the panel.

Next, our PCBA department will use this panelization data to create a matching stencil for the solder paste application. This stencil ensures accurate and consistent solder paste deposition on the panelized PCBs, enabling a flawless assembly process.

By taking advantage of our integrated PCB fabrication and assembly services, you can rest assured that the panelization process will be seamlessly coordinated between our departments, eliminating the need for manual intervention or additional steps on your part.

Panelization not only simplifies the assembly process for small and irregularly shaped PCBs but also improves overall efficiency and accuracy. At JHYPCB, we prioritize these best practices to deliver high-quality, reliable PCBA services to our customers.

If you have any specific requirements or questions regarding panelization, our knowledgeable team is always available to provide guidance and support. We strive to ensure that every aspect of your PCBA project is handled with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Break-away Rails (Break-away Tabs)

In the world of PCBA, attention to detail is paramount, especially when it comes to ensuring seamless board handling and assembly. At JHYPCB, we recognize the importance of a crucial design element called break-away rails or break-away tabs, which play a vital role in facilitating efficient and accurate assembly processes.

Necessity for Break-away Rails
Break-away rails, also known as break-away tabs, are temporary support structures that are added to the edges of PCBs during the assembly process. These rails are essential when the clearance between the board’s edge and the copper features is less than 3.5mm (138mil), or when your boards need to be panelized for any reason.

Without break-away rails, PCBs with tight clearances or those that are panelized can be challenging for our automated assembly machines to handle accurately. The rails provide a physical connection between the boards, ensuring proper alignment and stability during the assembly process.

Clearance Requirements for Copper Features
As mentioned earlier, break-away rails are necessary when the clearance between the board’s edge and the copper features is less than 3.5mm (138mil). This clearance requirement is critical because it allows our assembly machines to securely grip and manipulate the boards without interfering with or damaging the copper features.

At JHYPCB, we follow industry best practices and add break-away rails to the two longer parallel edges of the boards. This strategic placement ensures maximum stability and precise alignment during the assembly process, minimizing the risk of misalignment or damage.

After the assembly is complete, the break-away rails can be easily removed, leaving you with perfectly assembled PCBs, ready for further testing, integration, or deployment.

Our commitment to adhering to these best practices ensures that your PCBA project is executed with the utmost precision and quality. By incorporating break-away rails where necessary, we eliminate potential issues and delays, delivering your assembled boards on time and with the highest standards of workmanship.

If you have any specific requirements or concerns regarding break-away rails, our knowledgeable team is always available to provide guidance and support. We strive to ensure that every aspect of your PCBA project is handled with the utmost care and attention to detail.


At JHYPCB, we understand that the success of a PCBA project hinges on meticulous attention to detail and adherence to industry best practices. The three reminders we’ve discussed – parts overages, panelization, and break-away rails – may seem like minor details, but they play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and efficient assembly process.

By following our guidelines for parts overages, you can avoid delays and quality issues caused by component shortages. Providing the recommended excess quantities and adhering to our requirements for SMT parts ensures that we have sufficient materials to complete your assembly without interruptions.

Panelization is a vital step for small or irregularly shaped PCBs, enabling our automated equipment to handle and assemble these boards accurately. By leveraging our integrated PCB fabrication and assembly services, you can benefit from a streamlined panelization process without the need for additional steps on your part.

Break-away rails, or break-away tabs, are essential for PCBs with tight clearances or those that require panelization. These temporary support structures ensure proper alignment and stability during assembly, minimizing the risk of misalignment or damage to your boards.

At JHYPCB, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and our dedication to delivering exceptional PCBA services to our customers. By following these three reminders and leveraging our expertise, you can rest assured that your project will be executed with the highest standards of workmanship and attention to detail.

Whether you’re an experienced electronics engineer or a hobbyist embarking on your first project, our knowledgeable team is always available to provide guidance and support. We strive to make the PCBA process as seamless and hassle-free as possible, allowing you to focus on bringing your innovative ideas to life.

Embrace these three reminders, and let JHYPCB be your trusted partner in turning your PCB designs into flawlessly assembled reality. Together, we’ll navigate the intricacies of the PCBA process and deliver high-quality, reliable end products that exceed your expectations.

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JHYPCB is a leading PCB prototyping, PCB manufacturing and assembly service provider in China, offering quick turn PCB prototyping, multi-layer PCB manufacturing and turnkey PCB assembly services.

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