HDI PCB Board Fabrication Capabilities

With the development of society, the progress of technology comes from people’s constant pursuit of life and their yearning for a higher quality of life. Personal consumer electronic products such as notebook computers, personal computers, and mobile phones require lighter weight and smaller volume, while smaller volume requires smaller design accuracy and higher density. At the same time, the quality and speed of interconnection technology should be better. This requires designers who make these products to design better components to improve electrical performance, such as circuit boards and so on.

In order to manufacture PCB products of this kind, PCB manufacturers need more advanced manufacturing technology. Of course, from the point of view of the product cost, it needs a lower cost. This seems contradictory, but HDI PCB can solve this problem very well. HDI PCB has numerous advantages, such as high speed, small size, and high frequency.

HDI Structures Type of Micro vias Mass Production Small-Middle Batch Prototype Available
1+N+1 Blind vias Yes Yes Yes 4 layers+
2+N+2 Blind/Buried Yes Yes Yes 6 layers+
staggered vias
2+N+2 Blind/Buried Yes Yes Yes 6 layers+
stacked vias
3+N+3 Blind/Buried / Yes Yes 8 layers+
staggered vias
3+N+3 Blind/Buried / / Yes 8 layers+
stacked vias
NO. Feature Capability
1 Quality Grade Standard IPC 2
2 Number of   Layers 4 – 24layers
3 Order Quantity 1pc – 10000+pcs
4 Build Time 2days – 5weeks
5 Material FR4 standard Tg 140°C | FR4   High Tg 170°C | FR4 and Rogers combined lamination
6 Board Size Min 6*6mm | Max 457*610mm
7 Board Thickness 0.4mm – 3.0mm
8 Copper Weight   (Finished) 0.5oz – 2.0oz
9 Min   Tracing/Spacing 2.5mil/2.5mil
10 Solder Mask   Sides As per the file
11 Solder Mask   Color Green | White | Blue |   Black | Red | Yellow
12 Silkscreen   Sides As per the file
13 Silkscreen   Color White | Black | Yellow
14 Surface   Finish HASL – Hot Air Solder   Leveling
Lead Free HASL – RoHS
ENIG – Electroless Nickle/Immersion Gold – RoHS
Immersion Silver – RoHS
Immersion Tin – RoHS
OSP – Organic Solderability Preservatives –   RoHS
15 Min Annular   Ring 4mil, 3mil – laser drill
16 Min Drilling   Hole Diameter 6mil, 4mil – laser drill
17 Max Exponents   of Blind/Buried Vias stacked vias for 3 layers   interconnected, staggered vias for 4 layers interconnected
18 Other   Techniques Rigid-flex combination
Via In Pad
Buried Capacitor (only   for Prototype PCB total area ≤1m²)
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