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What Is Rogers Material PCB?

There is no doubting that fact that Rogers is one company that has managed to stand out amongst others in manufacturing laminate materials that are used in today’s circuit board. Printed circuit boards fabricated from Rogers materials offers strong moisture absorption and better thermal management.

There is no doubting that fact that Rogers is one company that has managed to stand out amongst others in manufacturing laminate materials that are used in today’s circuit board. Simply put, this company has built a solid reputation in manufacturing such items over the years.

In case you are wondering what Rogers material PCB is all about, there is no need to be worried. This is because you have come to the right place. It is important you read the details from beginning to end in order to know why this company should be patronized whenever you are planning to build circuit boards.

What is Rogers PCB?

The first thing to note is that Rogers is actually a company. It is into the manufacturing of laminate materials which are used in building circuit boards. The popularity of Rogers PCB doesn’t seem to know any bounds at the moment. This is due to how most reputable electronic manufacturers consider it to be of very high quality. In most cases, PCBs are built with a material called FR (flame Retardant) level 4. This is an epoxy composite/glass fiber. These usually have copper foil that is laminated on either side.

Rogers PCB

However, Rogers has been known to sell FR-4 laminate. These have become popular not just due to their cores. Also, they tend to have frequency properties that are high and much better. Teflon (PTFE) is a clear example. It should be noted that Rogers PCB material is also characterized by copper laminates. Technology seems to be evolving on a daily basis. In order to meet up with this trend, electronic manufacturers are looking for the best materials that can help them produce circuit boards which are advanced and sophisticated in terms of features & functionalities.

This is where Rogers material PCB comes in. Its FR-4 laminates have been able to effectively strike a balance between performance, durability, and cost.

Benefits of Rogers PCB Material

There are lots of advantages that Rogers material PCB has been known to offer. This is probably why it is very popular amongst companies that manufacture electronic devices. The details below will be revealing some of these advantages/benefits.

  • Improved Signal Loss

At high frequencies, FR-4 laminates are less lossy. This is very helpful in wired and wireless communication circuits. The bottom line is that Rogers PCB enables the issue of electrical signal loss to be reduced to its barest minimum.

  • Broad Range of Dielectric Constant (DK)

It is normal that electronic projects which have components of very high frequencies require a dielectric constant that is very stable. In simple terms, the dielectric constant refers to a charged quantity that is stored inside a material. The more dielectric constant in a PCB material, that is how there will be higher the capacitance and more voltage.

The dielectric constant in Rogers PCB material is stable and of a broad range. This makes it a great option for the manufacturing of broadband applications. Also, the temperature coefficient for its dielectric constant is considerably low. If you are handling an electronic project that is temperature-sensitive, there is no doubt that Rogers PCB can be of help.

  • It Is Hygroscopic

Rogers PCB has been discovered to have minimal moisture absorption.  Due to this, they have superior thermal and electrical characteristics. This makes them perfect for usage in any environment or condition. Adaption is the watchword here and Rogers PCB is known to be perfect for that. It should also be noted that these circuit boards usually do not experience problems related to malfunctioning.

  • Better Thermal Management

For modern electronics and applications to function well, there is one feature they need to possess. This is better thermal management. By this, we simply mean how temperature is controlled in electronic devices. When this isn’t done properly, such appliances or devices will experience premature failure.

The good part is that rogers printed boards are known to ensure this nightmare is eliminated via effective thermal management. There won’t be any problem of circuit boards generating excessive heat that will eventually make them breakdown.

  • Other Benefits

Given all of the above benefits, it is obvious that Rogers PCB comes with uncompromised quality that makes electronic appliances function optimally. Some other benefits that it can offer are advanced impedance control, a high level of reliability, and compatibility with RF circuit board.

What You Need To Know

There is something you should understand about Rogers circuit boards. This is the fact that there are many of them in the market. While some are not too good in terms of features, others have been able to meet the needs of manufacturers of electrical devices and appliances. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you are dealing what a reputable and trusted Rogers PCB Supplier. This is the only way to experience all of the benefits that such PCBs have been known to offer. It is even possible to contact a supplier and request for Rogers PCB Prototype. This is usually necessary when you are handling a special project.

Types of Rogers Materials

There are different types of Rogers materials. Each of these has been designed or built with end-users in mind. These materials will be highlighted and briefly explained below.

Bonding Materials

  • Hydrocarbon/Woven Glass/Ceramic/Prepreg
  • Thermoset Electrically and Thermally Conductive Adhesive Film
  • Ceramic PTFE Bondply


  • Modified Epoxy Laminate
  • PTFE Antenna Grade Laminate
  • Cross-Plied
  • Modified Epoxy IMS
  • PTFE Composite (Filled)
  • Glass Fiber (PTFE Random)
  • Ceramic/ Hydrocarbon/ UL 94 V-0 Laminate (Woven Glass)
  • Woven Glass/Hydrocarbon/Ceramic

It should be noted that the first 4 are Woven Glass Reinforced.

Metal Claddings

  • Resistive Foil
  • Electrodeposited
  • Rolled
  • Reverse Treated Electrodeposited

Having said the above, we are going to be mentioning some popular Rogers PCB Materials. These are:

RO4000® Series

The best feature about this material is that its frequency performance is high and superior. Also, its circuit fabrication is of low cost. Its dielectric tolerance and dimensional stability are also worth mentioning. Some materials you will find under RO4000® Series are RO4830™, RO4700™, RO4500™, RO4400T™/RO4400™, RO4360G2™, and RO4003C™. Rogers 4350b PCB is also in this category.

RO3000® Series

These materials are known for their ceramic-filled nature. They usually contain PTFE composites and can be available in woven glass reinforcements. Please note that there are times when they may not have woven glass reinforcements. At high frequencies, these materials are known to offer electrical properties that are excellent. Due to features like these, they seem to be constantly used in commercial RF and microwave applications.

Some popular Rogers substrates you will find under RO3000® Series are RO3210™, RO3035™, RO3010™, RO3006™, RO3003G2™, and RO3003™.

The Various Applications For Rogers PCBs

The application of Rogers PCBs is quite broad. This is because it can be used in different industries like automotive, telecommunication, wireless, military and defense. Some areas where it can be applied are station antennas (Electrodeposited), Microwave equipment, Backhaul radios, Power amplifiers, Automated Test Equipment, 5G station, RF Identification tags, Radar and sensors.

What Is The Difference Between Rogers PCB And FR4 PCB?

There have been lots of arguments about Rogers material PCB and FR4 PCB. For instance, there are people who believe the former is much better as compared to the latter. On the other hand, there are those who believe the opposite. This section will be revealing some differences that exist between both PCBs.

The first difference is that Rogers PCB Price is always higher than that of FR4. While Rogers PCB Price could range from $2-$10 (or even more), FR4 can cost much lower. Please note that it all depends on the Rogers PCB Supplier that you are dealing with.

In the aspect of high frequencies, Rogers material has proven to be better as compared to FR4 PCB. Another difference is that FR4 will likely suffer more signal loss as compared to Rogers material PCB. This is due to the high dissipating factor of FR4.

In the aspect of impedance stability, the DK values of Rogers PCB material are broader than those of FR4. Finally, Rogers PCB tends to manage temperature much better.

What Is The Difference Between Rogers PCB And Teflon PCB?

There are lots of areas where Rogers PCB and Teflon PCB have proven to be different. The first thing to know is that both are similar in the aspect of high frequency. In other words, they are both high-frequency PCBs. However, the frequency of Teflon PCB is +5GHz while that of Rogers PCB is +6GHz. Also, Rogers printed boards are great options for high-cost applications. Teflon PCB on the other hand is perfect for low-cost applications.

Are Rogers PCB The Best – Here Is The Final Verdict

Rogers printed boards are used in high frequency as well as high-speed designs. Apart from their unique ability for sustaining elevated temperatures, they also come with a perfect dielectric constant. These features put together, have made the best printed boards in not just microwave devices but also RF products in general. It can be said that Rogers PCBs are an upgrade of both Teflon, FR4, and others. This is because they tend to provide much better features and functionalities.

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JHYPCB is a leading PCB prototyping, PCB manufacturing and assembly service provider in China, offering quick turn PCB prototyping, multi-layer PCB manufacturing and turnkey PCB assembly services.

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