Ever been in a situation where you had to make a call to a support team to sort a problem or ask a question? Whether your Wifi is acting up or the package you received is missing something, we have all been there. Well, have you ever asked yourself what the person on the other end needed to do to get where they are? It seems like an exciting job, having to sort people’s problems day in day out. Making a difference in their lives whether they realize it or not. Well, below are some of the characteristics the call agents had to possess to acquire a job as a call agent.

  1. Be Knowledgeable Of Your Product

To become a call agent, you must be very knowledgeable of the product or service your company sells. You must be in a position to answer all the questions that come your way without hesitation. But if you have no idea how to, you could forward the call to someone more qualified to do so or offer to call back the client once you have done your homework. For instance, if a client has a query on inexpensive call tracking for digital agencies, and you have no idea, do the needful. Call a superior, do your research and call back the customer. This way, your customers will trust your word.

  1. Be Friendly And Calm

It is undeniable that rude and loud clients sometimes call in to express their grievances. And if they are met with an equally harsh voice, it is a recipe of disaster. On the contrary, if they are received with a friendly tone, they will most likely calm down. So much so, a qualifies call agent good at their job must be helpful and calm even when presented with a challenging situation.

  1. Be A Good Listener

For proper communication to occur, both parties must give each other the simple courtesy to air out their points before responding. The agent must lend the caller their ear and provide an affirmative response as they listen. And in case they do not understand them, a polite interruption by using respectful language is a must. By being a meticulous listener, the client will not have to repeat themselves, which can be rather annoying, and some will not have it. So much so, you may jot down a few keywords as your customer speaks so that you can remember everything while you confirm with them before answering their queries.

  1. Be Truthful

No one likes to be told lies. Especially if the deception is to dupe you into buying or paying for a faulty product or bogus service. With that said, as a call operator, you must advise your clients on the services that best suit them. Do not mislead them into buying merchandise they do not need just because you will have a hefty commission at the end. Instead of losing this client for future purchases, keep them around by upholding integrity.